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Time for slipslop

Verfasst am | 22. April 2010 | Keine Kommentare

The language is one of the most beautiful things that exits on this planet. Its power is huge in times of misunderstandings and ephemerality. If I should choose from a couple of different languages it wouldn’t be too easy to do so.

There are several reasons für picking relevant or „useful“ languages, helping one  to climb the ladder. This means power in terms of having the ability to have a conversation with as many people as possible. The ranking would probably be something like the following:

1. English

2. Chinese

3. Spanish

4. Hindi

5. French

6. German

(in NBA-MVP terms: outside looking in: Japanese, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian)


But there are other factors which justify a different point of view. Maybe it could be interisting to focus on the continents that exist. Then you could try to select the language that is spoken in most of its countries:

North America: English (no surprise, French just too less relevant in Canada)

South America: Spanish (Only Brazil and French-Guyana with different languages!?!)

Europe: German (Most spoken language in Europe)

Asia: quite difficult -> Chinese, Hindi, Russian or Japanese? Maybe Chinese.

Australia: Obviously its English again.

Afrika: French (English could also be choosen, but not every time…)

Antarctica … maybe Norwegian. Not really!

So, its Englisch, German, French, Spanish, Chinese


The last point of view could be the origin of a language. There are the Indo-European languages with the Germanic alternatives like German, Englisch or maybe Dutch. Then you could choose one Indo-Iranian language like Urdu or Armenian 😉 Of course Latin as the Italic and Greek as the Hellenic representant. And last but not least one Sino-Tibetic language like Wu, which is spoken by 77 million people.


Finally I select a mixture of languages which are described in one of the three argumentations:

1. German as my mother tongue

2. English as (hopefully) my best foreign language

3. Spanish because of the huge influence in South America

4. Chinese (Mandarin) to survive in Asia, or at least China…

And now its time to start the learning process… Los gehts, let’s get ready, vamos, 各就各位,预备,跑 ! And that’s the problem: the first three languages are quite…understandable. But those chinese letters are absolutely arbitrary!


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